A local Riverton community consisting of 30 families, who live 15 km from Droogfontein Solar Power, received a purified drinking water system. Comprising mostly of farm workers, this community was previously been getting their drinking water untreated from the Vaal River, leaving the families vulnerable to a number of water illnesses.
The water purification plants consist of containerized purification units complete with pumps, filters, valves and controls to purify the water directly from an existing water supply so that it is safe for drinking. The plant includes a 10,000L tank for unpurified water and a 10,000L tank for purified water.
The project was motivated by the Droogfontein Community Property Association executive committee which decided on the two locations for the water purification plants; ensuring that there is access to water, an electrical supply and in close proximity to a group of homes who are in desperate need of clean drinking water.